You’ve surely heard about dental veneers during your previous visits to the dentist, and you may even have been told you needed them. And no doubt, you’ve wanted to know more about them. This is why, at our practice here in Leighton Buzzard, we’re taking the time to fill you in on all the information you need about dental veneers.
So what exactly are dental veneers? And how do they work?
Dental veneers are used in cosmetic dentistry to cover up certain cosmetic imperfections. Cosmetic dental veneers are these really thin shells that dentists fit over your teeth to improve the appearance of your teeth.
They’re mainly used for teeth that have superficial flaws like cracks or staining, in some cases. It’s usually the job of your dentist to determine whether dental veneers are the best option for you.
The Dental Veneer Process
After determining whether dental veneers are a solution for you, your dentist will proceed to remove a thin layer of enamel from your affected teeth. This helps make room for the dental veneers. Once this is done, they will conduct a fitting of your teeth, and send the measurements into the lab, where experts will begin fashioning your veneers. This usually takes no longer than two weeks.
Once the veneers are ready, your dental professional will call you back in for a second appointment, during which they will install the veneers.
The dentist will administer a local anesthetic, and then begin to prepare the tooth to be fitted with the veneer (this usually involves roughening the surface of the tooth), after which they simply apply the veneer using a special dental cement.
How long do dental veneers last?
Dental veneers are actually a really good fix for chipped or otherwise affected teeth, since with proper care, they can last up to a decade. This is excellent news, when compared to other cosmetic dentistry appliances, since it means you don’t have to worry about having them replaced all that often.
After about 10-15 years, you will need to have your veneer replaced, since the passage of time has caused the material of the veneer to become worn down. The lifespan of dental veneers typically depends on the material used for creating it. For instance, porcelain dental veneers last longer (up to 15 years) than, say, composite veneers (usually up to 10 years).
Your dentist will advise you on what type of veneer to get.
It stands to reason that different types of veneers would have different advantages. For instance, a porcelain dental veneer is (obviously) more durable, as well as presenting a better, cleaner appearance. Porcelain veneers are also more resistant to staining, which can cause serious self-image issues.
On the other hand, they’re more expensive than composite veneers, and require multiple sittings to fit in. they’re also more difficult to maintain. That being said, please refer to your dental professional, as they’ll be able to advise you on the best type of veneer is for your situation.